Jun 16, 2022Liked by Liz Cook

Why in the Midwest do we call "thinly-pounded deep-fried breaded pork" a "pork tenderloin" instead of schnitzel, which it clearly is? Is it anti-German sentiment? Anxiety over mispronouncing so many consonants pushed together?

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You can *totally* choose your nickname! Look: "Hi, I'm Liz — but you can call me Big Snack." Done and done!

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What is a good trash human substitute for salmon roe?

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Seems like the mailbag should be called some variant of Hatemail?

An economics question: What would it take for you to call it "What's 'COOKing' with Liz 'Big Snack' Cook"...

A pop culture question: Have you seen Everything Everywhere All At Once? If not, I think you might like the Ratatouille bit...

A celebrated author question: Have you considered doing some kind of Haterade meet-up to support local or new restaurants? I hate going to stuff, but I would go to that.

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