Jan 17, 2021Liked by Liz Cook

Liz, not here to bug you or anything, but it’s a good sign when your readers are checking the time and asking “it’s Sunday, where the hell is my Haterade?”

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Jan 11, 2021Liked by Liz Cook

Suddenly, I desire cream cheese pickle roll-ups.

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Jan 10, 2021Liked by Liz Cook

Leslie Janis from Hello Pie says that meringue is a fleeting cloud. You can refrigerate the filling overnight and then make the meringue when you're ready to eat. The pie sounds delicious.

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Hmm. So, you say that sometimes you want to be "in" the circle of cool kids in food media and claim you are not, and then you say are hosting a panel on the future of food and restaurants in Kansas City. That sounds pretty "in" to me. Perhaps defining for yourself what it would really take for you to consider yourself "in" would be helpful in you either reaching further, or realizing you are already there. Just a few words from the wise, old crone with her cane in the air, who has been where you are . . .my best piece of advice, keep going.

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