So two things, I went and found the Alton Brown rant. As much as I enjoy the man, I agree that a lot of the make your own beef jerky using a box fan and two AC filters is kind of silly. Just buy a dehydrator if you really want to do it. I just guessed he does that stuff for the TV. And he's more creative than I am.
Two, my wife and I have lived in KC our whole lives except a three year jump to Phoenix and back, and we had never heard of tomato and mayo sandwiches. And boy are our lives changed. Thanks for that!
I am also tormented by a Night Robin. I don't know if it's true, but I read somewhere that the bluish tint of some LED street lights makes them think it's daylight.
One I one hundred percent agree here. I understand the desire to hypercomplicate things but after a point there is serious diminishing returns. Part of the problem is there are just too many people calling themselves an authority on food and only so many ways to stand out while doing so.
So two things, I went and found the Alton Brown rant. As much as I enjoy the man, I agree that a lot of the make your own beef jerky using a box fan and two AC filters is kind of silly. Just buy a dehydrator if you really want to do it. I just guessed he does that stuff for the TV. And he's more creative than I am.
Two, my wife and I have lived in KC our whole lives except a three year jump to Phoenix and back, and we had never heard of tomato and mayo sandwiches. And boy are our lives changed. Thanks for that!
I am also tormented by a Night Robin. I don't know if it's true, but I read somewhere that the bluish tint of some LED street lights makes them think it's daylight.
Dahling Liz,
Contrarily & Inversely to some, I'm an eater who writes at least three meals a day.
Now, regahding your "safe to say that I won’t be registering a trademark any time soon." . . .
Ahh, not so fast .
You may still be able to trademark your magnificently appetizing Blog Column -
because trademarks are granted to protect confusion from similar products - not merely
similar names.
Since your Breathtaking Blog is unlikely to be mistaken for a fizzy drink or dispensary medications,
(and vice-versa or verse vicea) - you just might have a clear shot at a Trademark.
And how cool is that ?
Here's the official procedure on that --
and my preference - the unofficial, but much clearer in depth --
Sent with chugs & quiches,
Davido le Amusant
As I lay here at 3:35 AM, I am tormented, not by a night robin, but by the question “What is the best dipping sauce for crispy crowns?”
Happy Birthday! Pizza luge shots on the house
Whole pizzas can and have been used as beer bongs. (Roll em up/chug-a-lug) 😃👍
Liz how dare you post a throwback to a rant on Alton Brown but not link it. I am going to spend the rest of my day digging around for it.
I will save you the trouble! It's just one of the footnotes in this guy:
Two things:
One I one hundred percent agree here. I understand the desire to hypercomplicate things but after a point there is serious diminishing returns. Part of the problem is there are just too many people calling themselves an authority on food and only so many ways to stand out while doing so.
Two I love Haterade so so much.
Thank you!!!