As an engineer, I'm here for these potential graphs.
My pillow was a baseball mitt. I think mom threw it out after it sat for a long time and started growing mold along with a lot of my sister's stuffed animals.
Looking forward to the post. The economics of restaurants is wack. My brother got out of the biz and is now a food service director for a local school district (which is a whole other kettle of wack). It is so difficult to get financing as a small business because the margins are so precarious and there are so many hidden costs that people who manage to scrape up private financing don't take into account. I had to explain to someone who couldn't believe how much more expensive it was to get a steak at a restaurant than to grill it himself. I spent about 10 minutes running down the list of everything that costs money in a restaurant that has nothing to do with food from laundry service for the napkins to hiring an attorney to expedite the liquor license.
As a fledgling Haterader, I am gobsmacked by the entirety of it all. Thank you seems insufficient, but it’ll have to do for now.
Here in the triple-digit desiccated southern Midwest, I have been cooking on my camp stove on the back porch in an attempt to keep the air conditioner from catching fire. Home economics. How about an economic-themed exposé on the superfluity of cooking pasta by boiling ridiculous amounts of water and then dumping pasta in. Pasta just covered with water can be brought just to vigorous simmer for required time. Several pasta pundits, Kenji Lopez-Alt among them have noted this. Spread the word to your flock as only you can. Al dente.
As an engineer, I'm here for these potential graphs.
My pillow was a baseball mitt. I think mom threw it out after it sat for a long time and started growing mold along with a lot of my sister's stuffed animals.
Looking forward to the post. The economics of restaurants is wack. My brother got out of the biz and is now a food service director for a local school district (which is a whole other kettle of wack). It is so difficult to get financing as a small business because the margins are so precarious and there are so many hidden costs that people who manage to scrape up private financing don't take into account. I had to explain to someone who couldn't believe how much more expensive it was to get a steak at a restaurant than to grill it himself. I spent about 10 minutes running down the list of everything that costs money in a restaurant that has nothing to do with food from laundry service for the napkins to hiring an attorney to expedite the liquor license.
As a fledgling Haterader, I am gobsmacked by the entirety of it all. Thank you seems insufficient, but it’ll have to do for now.
Here in the triple-digit desiccated southern Midwest, I have been cooking on my camp stove on the back porch in an attempt to keep the air conditioner from catching fire. Home economics. How about an economic-themed exposé on the superfluity of cooking pasta by boiling ridiculous amounts of water and then dumping pasta in. Pasta just covered with water can be brought just to vigorous simmer for required time. Several pasta pundits, Kenji Lopez-Alt among them have noted this. Spread the word to your flock as only you can. Al dente.
Looking forward to this
Tell me more about these barbecue flavored running gels...
I have long wanted to bring an icing bag filled with garlic mashed potatoes on my long runs. I've got a half coming up and might finally try it...